Our Charities

Savior’s Tear

This ministry sponsors and administrates two schools in Nicaragua. Both schools provide a Christian-based education, school supplies, uniforms, and two nutritious meals each day to children who live in dump grounds.   These children work in the dump ground scavenging for food and anything of value that can be sold.  The founders of Saviour’s Tear, Wayne and Elaine Magouirk, are some of the best people we have ever met.   They have made huge sacrifices to make this school a success.  As far as missionaries go these guys are the ‘tip of the spear.’  We are very proud to call them our friends and help support their organization.


Christian Relief Fund

CRF was founded in 1970 by Baxter Loe. This organization provides food, clean water, education, spiritual training, healthcare, and disaster relief worldwide. They are a very trusted non-profit organization and they make a huge difference in millions of lives.  In 2016 we were able to sponsor the drilling of two water wells for remote villages in Kenya, Africa.  It’s hard to imagine living without clean drinking water.


Amarillo Children's Home

ACH was founded in 1923 by local business men and civic leaders.  This organization provides housing for about 45 children ages 5 and up.  These kids arrive at ACH usually through the foster care or judicial systems.  They are placed into one of 7 cottages with families.  They receive love, structure, and a sense of belonging.  These are kids who simply need a chance.  Over the past 100 years, this organization has helped thousands of kids become happy, successful members of our community.  Besides monetary donations, they also need clothes.  If you ever have any clothes, bicycles, or toys that you can donate, they are happy to take them!  You can stop by in person at the front office.  It's a great experience to see first-hand how amazing this place really is.  


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